Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Y10: Defense Set to Give US More Military Access

What are the US and Australian military forces agreeing to currently? What the specific implications of this agreement?
TEAMS of US and Australian officials are finalising a series of agreements, to be signed at this month's AUSMIN summit, that will give US forces greater access to Australian military bases.
Shared facilities are expected to include HMAS Stirling naval base in Western Australia, an army base in Townsville as the primary location for operations, the port of Darwin and the Bradshaw Field Training Area in the Northern Territory.

What is the name of the summit where Australia's Defense Minister and the US's Secretary of Defense will meet?
the name of the sumit is the AUSMIN summit.

Which country is the US specifically reacting to?
The country that US is specifically reacting to is the increase in miltary power from CHINA.

What are the US planners looking to achieve with this agreement regarding troop movement?
They will result in a significant escalation of military co-operation, including more visits by US ships, aircraft and troops, and their forces exercising here regularly.

What are other key areas of discussion at the summit?
Other key areas for discussion at the talks will be cyber security, progress in Afghanistan and the state of the Joint Strike Fighter project. Australia plans to buy up to 100 of the revolutionary multi-role jets to replace the RAAF's F-111 bombers, retired last year, and its F/A-18 Hornets.

What does this agreement mean for Australia's future in the Regional and Global context?
this would mean that Australia would always be protected from any threat in the pacific because the US will always be close to help protect the Australian borders.

Go Back To Where You Came From Reflection

1. My initial reaction to the show is an extremely positive one. I feel that the show successfully pushes the boundaries of television and I also feel that the people chosen successfully show a spectrum of differing responses and perspectives. In evaluation, I would say that the show is initially extremely positive and engaging

2. Approximately 2%

3. I feel that the reason the topic of refugees gets so much coverage due to the fact that these refugees are putting their lives at risk along with their families lives which evokes a strong response in most Australian citizens.

4. 18th

5. I feel that the importance placed on issues of compassion such as this is at extremely low level compared to things such as economic growth. I think that we should, as human beings, have a MASSIVE obligation to help other people suffering in the world, however we sadly do not.

6. They receive the exact same amount

7. 11 countries

8. It is important as it shows that Malaysia are not under similar obligations

Monday, September 5, 2011

Year 10 Mapping Skills

Source A-C
What is the predicted population growth rate in 2030?

What is the predicted population change in 2030?

60 million
What region of the world is predicted to have the greatest gross increase in percentage between 1800 and 2050?


Source D
How many males and females are there in Ethiopia for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000?

1 million
How many males and females are there in Italy for the age range 60-64 in the year 2000?

3.6 million
Why do you think that there is such a difference between these two countries?

The quality of life in Italy was in 2000 and is currently far higher than the quality of life in Ethiopia, therefore the life expectancy is a lot higher in Italy

Source E
What is located at GR831979?

Dicks Hill
What is the highest point at AR7997?

Camden Haven
What is the contour interval for the map?

10 metres
What physical feature is located at GR820975?

Wet Swamp
Approximately how far is the Laurieton Sporting Complex from Hanleys Point on the Camden Haven Inlet?

1 kilomere
Give the GR for the North Haven Public School.

What is the highest point at Camden Head? Give the height and GR.
Laurieton 848986

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Year 10: Military - US/Australia Alliance

Who is Steven Smith and what important role does he play for the Australian Government?

Steven Smith is the defence minister of Australia. He plays an important role for the Australian government as he is in a very high position in the cabinet and has a huge influence on the decisions of the government. The Australian minister for defence administers his portfolio through the Australian Defence Organisation, which is compromised of the Department of Defence and the Australian Defence Force.

What is the Brookings Institution where Mr. Smith delivered his speech?
The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C. One of Washington's oldest think tanks, Brookings conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, and global economy

What role does the Australia/US Alliance play in Australia's 'strategic and security arrangements'?
The role of the Australia/US alliance plays a huge part in Australia's strategic and security arrangement because both countries rely and depend upon one another, particularly Australia on the US. If these arrangements were do change, drastic ramifications could occur

What is important about Australia's global location for this alliance?
Australia is located in the Asia-Pacific region. This is important because this region has become the "centre of gravity" for the world, in terms of economic, political, military and strategic influence.

What contributions has Australia made to this alliance for the last 50 years?
For the last 50 years, through the joint defence facilities in Australia, Australia have made a significant contribution to US national security by hosting or supporting some of the US's most sensitive and critical strategic capabilities

What did the minister say about the Australian companies who do business with the US?
The minister said 9000 Australian companies did business in the US. "They pay an average wage of $US70,000 ($63,490) per employee per annum and include your largest shopping-centre owner and two of your largest 20 banks," he said.

Why does the minister point out this information about this company? What does it highlight about the relationship between Australia and the US?
He points out these particular facts in order to highlight the economic power and importance of Australia in the US. It highlights that Australia is having a very positive impact on the American economy, and that the relationship should be continued.

What is the country central to Australia's relationships in the region?

What is Australia trying to foster with this country?
Australia had committed to developing strong and positive military and defence relations with China through dialogue and practical activities, Mr Smith told the institution.
"Australia wants, as the Chinese would say, China to emerge into a 'harmonious environment'."
Why do you think that this is important to Australia?
This is extremely important for Australia, particularly, in my opinion, for Defence and Economy. This is because China is emerging as the superpower of the world, and this would benefit Australia as China relies on the commodities Australia trades with them. It is important to maintain positive military and defence relations with China as to avoid negative contact with a force that is extremely powerful

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

VIDEO-asylum seekers

1. What is the deal between Australia and Malaysia? (What are the numbers of people being 'swapped'?)
Australia and Malaysia have agreed to an asylum seeker "swap" deal. Australia will send 800 asylum seekers to Malaysia in exchange for 4000 genuine refugees who's cases have been verified by the UN Refugee agency.

2. What rights will they have in Malaysia which will allow them to support themselves?
They will be given human rights protections. They will be treated with dignity and respect in Malaysia, and Australia will be covering the cost of any health or education expenses. They will also have the right to work

3.How does Malaysia normally treat illegal immigrants?
They are routinely rounded up and put in detention if they're found in a work site. They are known to receive harsh treatment and punishment

4.Are children being sent to Malaysia?
Yes, children are being sent as part of this arrangement

5. What is going to happen to the processing of the 500+ people currently in Australia who have arrived from the 7th of May?
They will now be processed in Australia, after the government formally said that these asylum seekers were not going to be processed in Australia

6.What do refugee advocates worry about for the 800 asylum seekers?
They are concerned that there is no way the Australian government can guarantee the human rights protection for the asylum seekers

7.What is the goal of this 'swap' program?
The main goal is to slow down or even stop the amount of boat arrivals on the shores of Australia

8.Do you think that it will work? Why/why not?
I am extremely sceptical as to whether these human rights and punishment restrictions can be guaranteed when they cannot enforce these things from the shores of Australia. Also, the asylum seekers being sent are extremely against the idea themselves, so I am also interested as to how they are going to force these asylum seekers out of Australia and into a country where asylum seekers are generally treated with harsh disrespect

Year 10: Immigration

1. What is an asylum seeker?
An asylum seeker is a person who has crossed an international frontier into a country in which he or she hopes to be granted refugee status

2. For what reasons would they leave their country and come to Australia?
Asylum seekers often flee their country from fear of persecution for reasons of race,religion, social group, or political opinion.

3. What reasons will allow them to be approved for asylum?
The department of immigration is responsible for deeming whether an persons reasons for seeking asylum are genuine. If the persons reasons are deemed acceptable, then a person is granted asylum

4. From what countries are most asylum seekers coming?
According to statistics from the refugee council of Australia, China has the most on-shore asylum seeker applications.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Year 10: Monday 25/7 Period 4

1. Kevin Rudd has the title of "Foreign Minister". This role involves the conduction and supervision of foreign and diplomatic relations with other states.

2. Kevin Rudd's main concern is that Australia, and Northern Territory in particular, may be under threat of nuclear attack form North Korea

3. He was at the ASEAN regional forum

4. North Korea recently torpedoed a South Korean naval frigate, shelled civilians’ homes across the border  and defied two UN Security Council resolutions by pursuing an enriched uranium weapons program.

5. The direct threat to Australia is with the long range missile that North Korea have been working on for over a decade

6. I think that Rudd is trying to warn and gain the companionship of other countries also possibly under threat. Australia is in a very strong position in the region and is acting almost as a leader.

7. This relates to Australia's major allies because they are also strongly against the use of nuclear weapons by North Korea